Interpretation System Satisfaction of Nanhaizi Country Parks
Graphical Abstract
Interpretation system is an important way and means of playing the role of services, education, management and other functions of tourism destination, and it is also a significant factor to influence the tourists' experience. In order to improve the tourist experience, we took the Nanhaizi Country Park as a case, collecting the information of travelers' satisfaction and their demographic data through field survey. Afterwards, we measured tourists' satisfaction of interpretation system by principal component analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. We found that three factors mainly contribute to explaining interpretation system satisfaction, museum (visitor center), participatory interpretation and commentary boards interpretation. And all these three factors had a positive impact on the satisfaction of interpretation system, especially the involvement interpretation. In addition, the study revealed that there were several major issues, such as the imperfect participatory commentary, the low utilization of museums and visitor centers, the lack of commentary content, and the unreasonable placement of commentary boards, affected the satisfaction. Finally, we proposed some strategic management suggestions for the country park service to improve the interpretation design.