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TIAN Ming-hua, SONG Wei-ming, CHEN Jian-cheng, CHENG Bao-dong, TIAN Hao-wei. Forest Management in the Low-carbon Economy Era[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2010, 9(4): 73-78.
Citation: TIAN Ming-hua, SONG Wei-ming, CHEN Jian-cheng, CHENG Bao-dong, TIAN Hao-wei. Forest Management in the Low-carbon Economy Era[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2010, 9(4): 73-78.

Forest Management in the Low-carbon Economy Era

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  • Published Date: November 29, 2010
  • Forest plays an important role in protecting carbon storage to reduce CO2 emissions, an irreplaceable role in absorbing CO2 in the atmosphere, and a special role in the carbon substitution to develop low-carbon economy. This paper analyzes the task of forestry in China’s strategy to copy with the climate change. The authors believe that to bring the role of forest into play, we should pay attention to forest management, and take the road of connotative expanded reproduction with attaching importance to volume and more to quality. Problems of forest management objectives, forest management categories, forest management standards, and forest management efficiency in the low-carbon economy era are also discussed.
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