Sir William Chambers and His Perceptions of Traditional Chinese Gardens
Graphical Abstract
Sir William Chambers, a famous Scottish architect and landscape architect, visited China
twice. Deeply impressed by traditional Chinese gardens and architecture, he wrote two well-known
works: Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, and Utensils and A Dissertation on
Oriental Gardening. In his books, Chambers described his original understanding and analysis of China's
traditional gardening art. Meanwhile Chambers also did some practical explorations, which allowed him to
play an important role in the landscape art revolution of chinoiserie trend during the 18th century, and
stimulated the emergence of jardin anglo-chinois. By sorting out Chambers's experiences related to
China's traditional gardens, analyzing and summarizing his perceptions of traditional Chinese garden in
his theoretical works, and introducing his practice of garden design using Chinese style gardening as
references, this paper explores the real influence of his theories and practices in western countries.
Finally, the great significance of Chambers'achievements to today's landscape design is discussed.