The public requirements in eco-culture construction of Shenzhen and Xi'an City were
comparatively analyzed, induced and discussed by questionnaire survey. The results showed that: 1)
regarding perception carrier of eco-culture, the residents in both Shenzhen and Xi'an strongly preferred
nature areas, however, the residents in Shenzhen more preferred function-oriented space, while in Xi'an
location-oriented space. 2) on the event carrier, the residents in both cities preferred the social service,
the experiential, and the festival eco-cultural activities. 3) for the eco-cultural product, the residents in
two cities understood it incompletely, and the recognition to the service types of eco-cultural products was
very low (even more significantly in Xi'an); and there should be more development potential for the
health-care eco-cultural products in Shenzhen and media eco-cultural products in Xi'an. 4) considering
educational carrier, the residents in two cities showed unbalance in the structure of ecological knowledge,
and they were caring about the local environmental problems and situations, and concerning the
relationship between the environment and their daily life. Moreover, the natural experience and pavilion
were the most favorable educational methods to the residents in both cities, while the residents in
Shenzhen preferred the versatile learning ways by multiple methods, and the residents in Xi'an more
liked different learning ways in the differential separated spaces.