太平洋科学会议是20 世纪上半叶在太平洋地区乃至全世界范围内有重大影响的综合性国际学术会议。民
国时期该会召开过7 次,但作为太平洋科学协会会员国和太平洋沿岸大国之一的中华民国,竟然没有举办过一次。
应的调整。但由于当时中国政局不稳,科学发展尚处在起步阶段,政府投入有限,而1937 年日本发动全面侵华战
The Pacific Science Congress was a comprehensive international academic congress, which
had a significant impact on science during the first half of the twentieth century in the Pacific area and
even around the world. During the period of the Republic of China, the congress was held seven times,
however, the Republic of China didn't hold once, even as one of the members of the Pacific Science
Association and one of the powers in the Pacific area. In fact, at that time, the Chinese scholars with Zhu
Kezhen as a representative, had the plan that China held the congress once, and continuously made
corresponding adjustments to the specific content of the plan while the political situation changed.
However, due to the political instability and the scientific development was still in its initial stage, and
the limited investment from government; moreover, in 1937, Japan launched an all-out war of invasion to
China, and the situations in the Pacific area continuously were escalating, thus Pacific Science Congress
itself stalled, and finally all these resulted in the plan of the congress held in China once vanished.