基于生态经济协调发展评价指标体系,采用耦合度和协调度模型,首先从省域研究尺度对20052014 年的
经济发展速度较快,生态环境水平整体上不断提升,二者协调度实现了稳定持续提高。从2015 年开始,未来5 年,
湖南省生态经济协调度发展态势良好,将在十三五冶末步入高度协调发展阶段。在市域研究尺度,对2013 年湖南
省14 市、州生态环境与经济系统的耦合协调发展水平进行空间维度的对比分析,结果显示各市、州的生态环境与
Based on the evaluation index system of coordinated development between ecology and
economics, and employing models of coupling degree and coordination degree, this paper firstly evaluates
the development of eco-environment and economic system as well as the coordination degree of them from
2005 to 2014 at the provincial scale, then predicts the future coordination degree between eco-
environment and economic development using a GM(1,1) gray model. The results show that the speed of
economic development in Hunan is very high, the eco-environment is rising on the whole, and the
coordination degree also achieves a stable and continuous improvement. In the next 5 years, Hunan's
coordination degree of ecology and economics will be in a favorable development situation, and it will step
into the highly coordinated development stage at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. At the city scale,
the paper spatially analyzes and compares the coupling and coordinated development of eco-environment
and economics of Hunan's 14 cities in 2013. The results demonstrate that there are obvious regional
differences in ecological environment, economic development, and the coupling and coordination degree
of them. Therefore, under the new normal circumstance, developing ecological agriculture and driving
regional development by the supports from the economic circle of urban agglomeration would promote the
coordinated development in Hunan.