The Baishacuizhujiang Village was one of the famous gardens in Qing Dynasty in Yizheng
County, and located in the north bank of the Yangtze River with beautiful scenery of many scenic spots.
Many celebrities, for example, SHI Tao, CAO Yin, and WU Jing-zi created a lot of widely-loved poems
by the inspiration while touring it. Unfortunately, this garden was destroyed in the later period of Qing
Dynasty. The local personages have been hoping it could be rebuilt. Since the information of the location
and the owner of the garden were too sketchy, and also all relics as material evidences were lack,
therefore, for a long time, its location and the whole name of the owner with YU as family name cannot
be identified. Here after the literature analysis and field investigation, the location of the
Baishacuizhujiang Village is determined as in Huayuan group of Dongsheng village, and the name of the
owner was YU Xi.