On the Location of Puyuan Garden in Qing Dynasty in Yizheng City of Jiangsu Province
摘要: 朴园是清代仪征县一座著名的园林, 建于嘉庆年间(1796—1821年)。主人是盐商巴光诰家族。朴园位于仪征市北部的浅山丘陵地带, 它的建筑布局参照了袁枚的随园, 其中大假山的设计者是著名造园家戈裕良, 朴园被钱泳称为“江南第一名园”。咸丰年间(1851—1861年), 朴园被烧毁, 随后迅速衰落。朴园承载了仪征古代园林大量的文化信息, 具有重要的文物价值。从陈从周先生开始, 一些学者试图进行实地考察, 找到朴园遗址, 确定它的位置。但是由于交通闭塞等原因, 加上行政区划、自然地貌都已经发生了很大变化, 位置的确定非常困难。在大量的文献搜集和实地调查基础上, 通过文献分析和逻辑推断, 最后确定了朴园遗址的位置在今天的仪征市马集镇爱国村西洼组。Abstract: The Puyuan garden in the Qing Dynasty was famous in Yizheng county and constructed during Emperor Jiaqing period (1796-1821). The owner was BA Guang-gao of a salt merchant family. Roughly, it was located in the hill area of northern Yizheng city, and its layout was referenced from YUAN Mei' Suiyuan garden. The large rockery in the garden was designed by the famous architecture GE Yu-liang, thus it was recognized as " The top 1 garden in the south of the Yangtze River ". Unfortunately, it was burned during Emperor Xianfeng period (1851-1861) and declined quickly. The Puyuan garden bore rich cultural information about Yizheng's ancient gardens and had great relic value. Therefore, initiated by Mr. CHEN Cong-zhou, some scholars have been attempting to have field investigation and look for the ruin for determining its exact location. However, because of inconvenient transportation to there as well as big changes of administrative divisions and land forms, the determination of its exact location was extremely difficult. Here based on the huge amount of collected literature and field investigations and via literature analysis and logical inference, we determine the exact location of the Puyuan garden to be in Xiwa group, Aiguo village, Maji town in current Yizheng city.