

The Development of the REDD Mechanism in the International Climate Change Law and An Interpretation of the Article 5 in Paris Agreement

  • 摘要: REDD是指减少森林砍伐和退化而降低温室气体排放的机制。森林的固碳属性使其在气候变化应对中发挥着重要作用, 但是发展中国家缺乏足够的资金以减少滥砍滥伐和森林退化。为此, REDD机制在气候变化谈判中逐渐得到发展。这一机制于2005年在蒙特利尔气候大会上正式成为国际谈判议题, 经过国际社会10年的努力, 2015年12月12日在巴黎气候变化大会上通过, 2016年4月22日在纽约签署的《巴黎协定》中, 这一机制得到了国际法上的确认。该机制为国际社会进一步强化森林在应对气候变化问题上的效用, 为发展中国家扩大森林经营, 实现低碳发展铺平了道路。


    Abstract: REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a mechanism used by international community to eliminate the emission of greenhouse gas from deforestation and forest degradation. The function of fixing carbon by forest plays the key role in the combat to global climate change; however, developing countries are in shortage of capitals in the reduction of severe deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, the REDD mechanism has been developed gradually in the negotiation on the climate change. The mechanism first became an international negotiation issue at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 11 to UNFCCC) in Montreal on December 2005. After ten years of efforts from international community, it was passed in the Paris COP 21 to UNFCCC in December 12, 2015, and finally signed as Paris Agreement in New York in April 22, 2016, meaning that this mechanism is finally acknowledged in the international law. In conclusion, the REDD mechanism paved the way for the international community to further strengthen the functions of forest in combating climate change, as well as for developing countries to extend forest utilization and to proceed low-carbon development.


