An Evaluation on Energy Consumption and Environmental Emission for Biodiesel in Life Cycle
摘要: 运用生命周期评价法, 对利用光皮树果油与地沟油制取生物柴油在全生命周期的能耗和环境排放进行定量分析, 并将分析的结果与传统柴油进行比较。结果表明:两种原料生产的生物柴油在使用阶段的CO、NOx、HC、CO2排放比例最高, 而SOx排放主要是在生产环节和种植环节产生的。在全生命周期中, 两种原料生产的生物柴油能耗要大于传统柴油, CO2排放量显著减少, NOx、HC排放高于传统柴油, CO、SOx排放与传统柴油相当。利用两种原料制取的生物柴油在全生命周期中的能耗和环境排放相较于传统柴油未展现出明显的优势, 但在CO2减排和废弃物利用方面优势显著。Abstract: Using the method of life cycle assessment (LCA), energy consumption and environmental emissions for biodiesel production from Swida wilsoniana oil and waste cooking oil in its life cycle were quantitatively analyzed, and the result was compared with conventional diesel. The results showed that the emissions of CO, NOx, HC, and CO2 in the use of biodiesel from above two materials presented the highest percentage, and the SOx emissions was mainly from the planting cycle and production cycle. The energy consumption in the life cycle of biodiesel from above two materials were higher than that of conventional diesel, the CO2 emissions reduced significantly, the emissions of NOx and HC were higher than that of conventional diesel, and the emissions of CO and SOx by biodiesel were equivalent to that by conventional diesel. The energy consumption and environmental emissions in the life cycle of biodiesel from two materials showed no obvious advantages comparing to traditional diesel, but the clear advantages in CO2 emissions and waste utilization.
- life cycle assessment /
- biodiesel /
- energy consumption /
- environmental emission
表 1 光皮树种植环节能耗
表 2 光皮树果榨油环节能耗
表 3 光皮树油制取生物柴油环节能耗
表 4 柴油机排气污染测量结果
g/(kW· h) 表 5 化肥生产的环境排放
g/kg 表 6 地沟油预处理阶段的能耗
表 7 地沟油制取生物柴油阶段的能耗
表 8 光皮树制取生物柴油各阶段的能耗及环境排放
表 9 地沟油制取生物柴油各阶段的能耗及环境排放
表 10 传统柴油和生物柴油的能耗及排放对比
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