

Issues in the Early Stage of Reforming State-owned Forest Farms in Sichuan Province

  • 摘要: 四川省国有林场改革从2016年开始试点, 依据中央6号文件制定了《四川省国有林场改革实施方案》, 标志着四川省国有林场改革正式启动。结合四川省改革实施方案以及四川省实地调研和座谈, 回顾了四川省国有林场改革试点情况和改革现状, 发现启动试点以来, 四川省国有林场改革存在历史债务、职工招聘与实际需求不符、场区基础设施老旧等问题, 提出应从化解债务、转换用人制度、加大基础设施建设力度等方面促进国有林场改革顺利推进。


    Abstract: The reform of state-owned forest farms in Sichuan Province was piloted since 2016. " The Implementation Plan for the Reform of State-owned Forest Farms in Sichuan Province" was formulated based on the Document No. 6 issued by Central Committee of Communism Party of China (CPC), indicating that the official reform of state-owned forest farms in Sichuan was initiated. Combining with the implementation of the reform program in Sichuan Province with the field survey and informal discussions, we review pilot cases on the reform of stated-owned forest farms, and the status of reform in Sichuan, and discover that there are these issues in the reform, such as the debts left over from past operations, the discrepancy between the recruitment of employees and the actual demands, and the aging of infrastructure in the farm fields. Therefore, we suggest the following measures to promote the smooth progress of the reform in Sichuan, i. e., resolving the debts, transforming employment system, and increasing infrastructure construction.


