

On the Afforestation History of Tashan Forest Farm in Feixian County of Shandong Province

  • 摘要: 1896年德国传教士华德胜在塔山开始造林, 到1944年造林面积达6 500亩。塔山林场于1946年建场, 几经变迁, 坚持造林, 科学营林育林, 最后转变职能, 借助森林资源走旅游经营发展的路子。总结了林场发展的4个阶段, 客观评价了德国传教士华德胜通过造林改善塔山生态环境的贡献。最后提出了林场下一步的发展建议。


    Abstract: In 1896, a Germany preacher started to plant trees in Tashan, and its area reached 6 500 Mu (1 Mu = 666.67 m2) in 1944.Tashan Forest Farm was established in 1946 and changed with the time, insisting on tree planting and scientific afforestation. Relying on the forestry resources, finally the function in Tashan Forest Farm was transferred as for tourism. This paper summarizes the farm' s four development stages, also makes an objective evaluation on the Germany preacher' s contribution of improving Tashan ecological environment via afforestation, and proposes some advices on the farm' s development in the next stage.


