

On Bamboo Culture in Ancient Japan of 8th Century from Chorography "Fudoki"

  • 摘要: 日本8世纪初期地志《风土记》是各地地理、风俗、名胜、物产等的综合性记载文献。基于日本竹文化的视角, 解读《风土记》中的竹、篠、笹、箭、蓳、笋等竹类意象, 解析8世纪初期日本列岛诸国所出现竹类的竹种名称、文化内涵及其分布概况, 再现上古日本竹文化的丰富性、深刻性特征。研究认为:金竹(桂竹)分布在常陆国、播磨国、出云国、因幡国、萨摩国; 篠分布在出云国、肥前国、大和国; 笹分布在播磨国; 矢竹(箭竹)分布在常陆国; 蓳分布在肥前国; 笋(金竹笋)出现在播磨国。


    Abstract: The chorography "Fudoki" in early eighth Century is a comprehensive record literature on geography, customs, scenic spots, and products around Japan.From the perspective of the Japanese bamboo culture, this paper interprets the several cultural images of bamboo(竹), Xiao(篠), Ti(笹), Jian(箭), Jin (蓳), bamboo shoot (笋), etc.in " Fudoki ", then analyzes the names, cultural connotations and distribution of bamboos in the archipelago of Japan in the early eighth Century, and reproduces the richness and profundity of ancient Japanese bamboo culture.The conclusions of this study are as followings: Bamboo Jin were distributed in Often land, Harima, Izumo, Inaba, and Satsuma province of Japan; cultural image Xiao had many name, maybe mainly as Shibataea kumasaca, and was in Izumo, Hizen, and Yamato province of Japan; cultural image Ti (Sasagawa) was in Harima; cultural image Jian should be Pseudosasa japonica, and was mainly in Often land; cultural mage Jin(蓳) was actually bamboo Jin, mainly distributed in Hizen; and eating bamboo shoots appeared in Harima.


