

The Chronicle of LING Dao-yang: The Commemoration on the 130th Anniversary of Mr. LING Dao-yang's Birthday

  • 摘要: 凌道扬先生是中国著名的林学家、教育家。作为一名林学家, 他在中国林业史上具有特殊地位, 为中国林业事业发展做出了历史性贡献, 是中国林业事业的先驱和开拓者。他1888年12月18日出生于广州府新安县布吉村一个虔诚的基督教家庭, 从1912年于美国耶鲁大学学习林科开始, 他的林业事迹贯穿于中华民国(1912—1949年)的始终。凌道扬先生1914年获得硕士学位回国即从事涉林工作, 同年参与制定中国第一部《森林法》, 1915年首倡中国植树节, 1916年任金陵大学林科主任, 1917年发起并成立中华森林会, 1922年任胶澳商埠督办公署林务局局长, 1940年提出“水土保持”专用术语等。凌先生曾担任金陵大学、青岛大学、北平大学、中央大学教授, 集林学家、教育家和行政官员于一身, 在林学宣传、林业教育、林业管理和林业实践等多方面做出了历史性贡献, 是中国林业事业的集大成者。作为一名教育家, 他还是香港教育的重要践行者, 从1949年开始, 他致力于香港教育, 先后任香港崇基学院和联合书院院长, 1957年获麻省大学名誉法学博士学位, 1963年任香港中文大学筹备会主席, 教书育人, 恩泽千秋, 受到世人赞颂。1980年他移居美国, 1993年8月2日病逝, 享年105岁。在中国林业发展史上, 像凌道扬先生这样开宗立派的人物, 还是很少见的, 但不研读《圣经》, 也是很难理解他的。


    Abstract: Mr. LING Dao-yang was a distinguished forester and educator in China. As a forester, he was a pioneer of China forestry, occupied a unique position in the forestry history in China, and made a historic contribution to the Chinese forestry development. He was born in a Christian family on December 18, 1888 in Buji village of Xinan County, Guangzhou City. His forestry footprints had been throughout the Republic of China (From 1912 to 1949) since he studied the Forestry as his major at Yale University in 1912. He returned to China and dedicated to Chinese forestry after he got his Master's degree in 1914, and participated in the formulation of the first China Forest Law in the same year. He firstly advocated to establish China Arbor Day in 1915 and was appointed as the director of the Forestry Department of Nanking University in 1916. Then, in the next year, he initiated and established the China Forest Society in 1917. He was appointed as the director of the Forest Service Bureau of the Qingdao Commercial Port Government Office in 1922, and proposed the professional terms such as water and soil conservation in 1940. He served as a professor successively at Nanking University, Qingdao University, Peking University, and National Central University. Mr. LING Dao-yang, playing varied roles of a forester, educator and government official, was the epitome of Chinese forestry, made his historic contributions to fo restry advertising, forestry education, forest administration, forestry practices, and other aspects. As an educator, he was a prominent practitioner of education in Hong Kong as well. From the beginning of 1949, he devoted himself to the education in Hong Kong. He once served as the Dean of Chung Chi College and United College, CUHK, and finally received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Massachusetts in 1957. As the chairman of the preparatory establishment of CUHK in 1963, he imparted knowledge and cultured people, and his kindness benefited posterity, and was praised by the world. He emigrated to U. S. in 1980 and departed this world on August 2nd, 1993 at his 105 years age. It is rare to have such pioneering and surpassing characters as Mr. LING Dao-yang in the history of Chinese forestry. Furthermore, it is uneasy for us to understand him if we did not read the Bible.


