

Multiculture and Values of the Paper Mulberry from the Perspective of Ancient China's Science and Technology

  • 摘要: 构树属于桑科构属多年生乔木, 自然分布于我国大部分地区, 为典型的乡土树种和先锋植物。自从3 000多年前有记载以来, 人类祖先在多个方面对构树进行了开发利用, 有着悠久的历史和文化。通过对文献史料、历史典籍、诗词歌赋的收集整理, 发现构树在人类文明之初被用来制作树皮衣, 为人御寒保暖; 在汉朝以来被用于造纸, 记载传承了中华民族上下五千年的文明; 在北宋时期被用来制作世界历史上第一张纸币, 促进了商品经济的发展; 汁、叶、皮、果实等均可入药的构树, 更是在治病救人和人类健康方面发挥着重要的价值。如今, 构树传统应用文化与现代高科技相结合, 必将迎来构树文化推动人类社会快速发展的新纪元。


    Abstract: The paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), belonging to the family Moraceae, is distributed naturally in most parts of China.Since over 3 000 years ago, our ancestors have carried on the development and utilization of this tree species in many aspects, demonstrating a long history and rich cultural significance.Through retrieval of historical literatures, including books and poems, we find that the bark of paper mulberry has been used as raw material for clothing and paper-making.The paper made by this tree species can be used for printing money and writing scripture, and these utilizations have continued up to date.The juice, fruit, leaf, peel of paper mulberry all can be used as medicine and even food.Besides, the paper mulberry trees can also be planted for greening and cultivation purposes. Nowadays, the combination of traditional culture and advanced science and technology will usher in a new development.Strengthening the research of paper mulberry has great significance for its eco-economic development, which can benefit people from a further understanding of the historical and practical value of paper mulberry.


