On the Relationship Between Human Beings and Nature in American Indian Culture: A Case Study of Leslie Marmon Silko's Novel Gardens in the Dunes
摘要: 北美印第安文学对人与自然之间的关系有着深刻的体现。人与自然之间的关系不是利用与剥削的关系, 而是相互依存的一体关系。通过对美国印第安当代女作家希尔科的小说《沙丘花园》的解析, 从人与自然的物质性关系和精神联结两个方面, 指出在印第安传统文化中所蕴含的丰富的生态智慧。传统的印第安人在物质上依赖大自然, 在精神上也信靠、热爱大自然。白人殖民者和美国主流的工业文明, 将土地和整个大自然看作是征服、利用和剥削的对象, 而被剥夺了土地的印第安文化则将自然看作是自己的母亲和上帝。印第安文化关于人与自然和谐共存的关系中所包含的伟大的神圣性、宗教性和救赎性, 正是以贪婪纵欲、过度开发和利己主义的人类中心论为特征的现代社会所缺失的内容。Abstract: The American Indian's traditional idea about the relation between human beings and nature has been richly embodied in their literature.Such relationship is of inter-dependence and unity instead of abuse and exploitation.Through analyzing Leslie Marmon Silko's novel Gardens in the Dunes, the authors probe into the Indian ecological wisdom from both the material and the spiritual relationships between human beings and nature.Traditionally, the Indians would depend on nature for material support and closely connect with nature in spirit.While the white colonists and main stream American culture take the land and nature as the object of subjugation, utilization and exploitation, the deprived Indians deem the nature to be the mother creator.The divinity, religiousness and redemptiveness of the Indian man-nature relationship may well complement the deficiency of our modern society, which is characterized by avaricious exploitation of nature and egoistic anthropocentrism.