

Review of Two Monographs on China Forestry History by LING Fu-yuan

  • 摘要: 民国二十一年(1932)刊印的《中国古代林政史》和民国三十四年(1945)的《中国造林运动之过去现在与将来》是凌抚元(凌大燮)论述中国古代林政史和造林史的两本专著。这两本专著是中国林业史中有关林政史、造林史的开篇之作和研究中国早期林业史的重要史料。《中国古代林政史》最早刊于1932年《平等》杂志第11、12卷,后收入《凌抚元论文集》,全文10节,较为系统地论述了从原始时代到清代中国的林政发展;《中国造林运动之过去现在与将来》1945年1月1日由华北造林会刊印,之后公开刊于《文化年刊》1945年第2期,全文6章,其中记载了日本侵华期间华北地区的造林史料,对研究这一段历史有重要价值。


    Abstract: History of Forestry Policy in Ancient China and Silvicultural Movements in China: Past, Present and Future are the two books on the history of ancient China’s forestry policy and silviculture by LING Fu-yuan. These two monographs are considered as the first works and important historical literatures on China’s forestry policy and silvicultural history. History of Forestry Policy in Ancient China was published for the first time in 1932 in Volumes 11 and 12 of the periodical Equality, and later included in LING Fuyuans Theses. It consists of 10 chapters, systematically discussing the forestry policy development from ancient China to the Qing Dynasty. Silvicultural Movements in China: Past, Present and Future was first released in 1945 by North China Afforestation Association, and then published in Cultural Yearbook (No. 2 in 1945). Consisting of six chapters, it recorded the afforestation activities in North China during the Japanese invasion, and is of important value for studying this period.


