An Empirical Study on the Financial Risk of Listed Forestry Companies
摘要: 林业上市企业作为林业行业的主要生产力, 其发展对推动我国国民经济和林业精准扶贫起到了至关重要的作用。以我国林业上市企业为样本, 根据林业行业的特征, 通过实证分析方法筛选出影响林业上市企业财务风险的主要因素, 构建财务风险预警模型并进行系统打分, 进而将林业上市企业的财务状况分为4类:财务状况良好、财务状况一般、财务风险较高、财务风险很高。林业上市企业财务风险较高的比重达到近60%, 营运能力和偿债能力指标对财务风险影响最大, 并依据实证分析结果提出研究建议。Abstract: Being regarded as the major productive force of forest industry, listed forestry companies have played an important role in the development of national economy and accurate poverty alleviation of forestry. This paper takes listed forestry companies as the research object and constructs an evaluation index system of forestry enterprise financial risk by using the factor analysis on the major financial variables of listed forestry companies. Based on early warning model, the listed forestry companies are categorized into four types in terms of the level of financial risks, which are good, average, high and very high. Sixty percent of listed forestry companies belong to the group of high financial risk. The operating ability and debt paying ability have a great impact on financial risks of listed forestry companies.