

The Protected Area System Dominated by National Park: Connotation, Categories, and Establishment Path

  • 摘要: 建立“以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”是新时期我国建设生态文明和“美丽中国”的重要抓手,也是未来我国自然保护地体系重构的方向和目标。当前,我国国家公园体制建设刚刚起步,深入探讨“以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”的内涵、构成及其建设路径,具有急迫的现实意义。国家公园在未来自然保护地体系中的主体地位不是体现在数量上,而应体现在国家公园的面积占比、保护对象的价值、保护的严格程度、保护的等级以及自然教育功能等5方面。在已有研究的基础上,根据与国际接轨、与现有保护地兼容以及改革成本最小的原则,构建了包括3个大类、6个亚类、14个类型的自然保护地体系改进方案。在新的自然保护地体系建设路径方面,提出应循序推进的建议,即上下结合,识别潜在国家公园区域→科学论证,遴选国家公园后备名单→明确保护对象,科学确定公园范围→组建专业的公园管理团队→规划先行,构建国家公园保障机制→持续监测,定期评估公园管理绩效。


    Abstract: Establishing "a protected area system dominated by national park" is currently a significant strategy adopted by Chinese governments to realize the goal of building ecological civilization and "Beautiful China", and also one of the directions and goals to restructure the protected area system of China in the future. At present, the Chinese government is just starting to build its national park system, and it is practically very urgent and significant to discuss what the connotation of the national-park-dominated protected area system is, what categories it covers, and how to build it. It is argued in this paper that the domination status of national parks in the future protected area of China is embodied not in its amount, but mainly in the top value of what they are designated to reserve, the highest strictness of protection, its domination in area, the level of protection, and its advantage in providing nature education for the public over other protected area categories. Based on the existing studies and following the principles of being in accordance with the IUCN standards, being compatible with the existing classification and the least re-structuring cost, the author proposes a modified protected area system, which is composed of 3 categories, 6 sub-categories, and 14 types of protected area. With regard to the establishment path of the new system, the following suggestions are proposed, which follow the sequence: ① identify the potential area for establishing national parks, either from up to bottom or from bottom to up; ② figure out the list of candidate national parks through scientific consideration; ③ highlight the core value of candidate national parks and confirm their management border; ④ forge a team of professional management staff; ⑤ make development plan and form guarantee mechanisms; ⑥ periodically monitor and assess the management performance of national parks.


