

Sino-US Forestry Exchange and Interaction in the First Half of the 20th Century

  • 摘要: 基于对一批英文资料的挖掘和整理,对20世纪上半叶中美两国在林学领域,从政府、社会到学者层面,从教育、科学研究到救灾防灾,从林学人才、技术、思想、林业行政组织到造林、防止土壤侵蚀与河流洪水控制等方面开展的交流与互动进行了详细的梳理。研究认为,中美两国在林学领域的交流是双向的,美国以中国毁林为教训的做法被中国学者作为警示国内政府和社会并呼吁重视林业、发展林学以救灾防灾的宣传工具,这是在近代中西方交流过程中林学不同于其他学科的方面。


    Abstract: Based on the excavation and sorting of a batch of English materials, this paper combines forestry exchange between Sino-USA in the first half of the 20th century, from aspects of government, society to scholars, from education and scientific research to disaster relief and disaster prevention, from forestry talents, technology, ideology, and forestry administrative organizations to afforestation, prevention of soil erosion, and river flood control. The study believes that because China’s modern forestry is introduced from the West, the exchanges between the two sides are asymmetric. China is more to learn from the United States, and the United States has used Chinese lesson as a guide to the domestic government and society. In turn it appealed to the emphasis on forestry and the development of forestry science to provide disaster relief and disaster prevention propaganda tools for China. This is a feature of forestry science that differs from other disciplines in the process of modern Sino-West exchanges.


