

Natural Resources Management in US National Parks: Principles, Problems, and Enlightenments

  • 摘要: 美国国家公园的自然资源主要分为8个大类:生物资源、火资源、水资源、空气资源、地质资源、音景、光景、化学品和气味。国家公园管理局设定的管理程序包括制定自然资源管理规划、保存和公布自然资源信息、开展自然资源影响评估、建立广泛合作关系、促进自然生态系统恢复、建立自然资源损害赔偿制度等,对不同类型的自然资源采用不同的管理原则和方法,建立并严格执行自然资源开发利用“申请—审核—评估—许可”程序。但也存在自然资源类型覆盖不足、统一管理和分权管理错位、财政投入严重不足等问题。我国国家公园应明确界定自然资源类型,逐步扩大自然资源资产管理体制试点范围,建立健全自然资源管理体制,突出生态系统完整性,坚持依法管理,加强国土空间用途管制等。


    Abstract: The natural resources of the national parks in the United States are mainly divided into eight categories: biological resources, fire resources, water resources, air resources, geological resources, soundscapes, lightscape, and chemicals and odors. The management procedures set by the National Park Service include: formulating natural resources management plans, preserving and publishing natural resources information, carrying out assessment on natural resources impact, establishing extensive cooperation, promoting the restoration of natural ecosystems, establishing natural resources damage compensation system, adopting different management principles and methods for different types of natural resources, and establishing and strictly implementing the execution procedure of “application-review-assessment-permission” for natural resources development and utilization. At present, there are such problems as insufficient coverage of natural resources types, misalignment of unified management and decentralized management, and serious shortage of financial investment. China’s national parks should clearly define the types of natural resources, gradually expand the pilot scope of natural resources asset management systems, establish and improve natural resources management systems, highlight ecosystem integrity, strengthen legal management and law enforcement, and strengthen the control of land and space use.


