

An Investigation of the History of the Concept of “Game” and Ecological Reflection: Analysis Based on Spatial Relationships Between Humans and Nature

  • 摘要: 都市化背景下的人与自然的空间关系,对现代“野味”观念的形成至关重要,“野味”作为一种人地关系的事实,也是想象性地亲近自然的方法。现代社会的“野味”观念有两个极端,并随时势变化在两极间摆荡:或基于卫生防疫的需求,视其为罪恶的渊薮,或基于一种被异化的自然田园观,以及促进乡村旅游的现实需求,视之为独具风味的营养佳肴。两种态度看似水火不容,却是现代化、城市化背景下生态问题这一枚硬币的两面。要根本缓解文明世界与野生世界的紧张局面,离不开对人与自然对立关系的文化反思,这要求把生态主义作为一种新的伦理规范。目前立法层面已明令禁猎禁食“野味”,但良性的人与自然关系的养成,还要在此基础上推行乡土教育和自然教育,自下而上地培育健全的生态伦理。


    Abstract: The spatial relationship between humans and nature in the context of urbanization is crucial to the formation of the modern concept of “game” (wildlife, yewei, 野味) which as a kind of human-terrestrial relations is able to serve as an imaginative approach to nature. The notion of “game” in modern society has two extremes and oscillates between them. See it as a den of evil based on the need for sanitary protection, or as a unique nutritional delicacy of taste based on an alienated view of the natural countryside and the practical need to promote rural tourism. The two attitudes may seem incompatible, but they are two sides of the same coin of ecological issues in the context of modernization and urbanization. To radically reduce the tension between the civilized and wild worlds, a cultural rethinking of the antagonism between man and nature is indispensable, and ecologism will become a new ethical norm. At present, legislation has explicitly prohibited the hunting and eating of “wild game”, but in order to cultivate a healthy relationship between man and nature, local education and nature education should be promoted on this basis, and a sound ecological ethic should be cultivated from the bottom up.


