

Discussion on the Necessity and Pathway of Appropriate Development of Tourism in National Parks of China

  • 摘要: 严格保护的同时兼顾合理利用是国家公园区别于自然保护区的重要特征,适度发展旅游是国家公园合理利用的主要方式。在我国,发展旅游被视为是对自然保护的威胁,国家公园该不该以及应如何发展旅游,是中国国家公园体制建设中须直面的重要问题。剖析了当前中国国家公园建设中重保护、轻利用的倾向,然后从3个方面阐述了国家公园发展旅游的必要性。首先,适度发展旅游是国家公园实现综合功能的内在要求, 有助于促进实现国家公园的保护、科研、教育和游憩等综合功能;其次,国家公园发展旅游是中国国民经济发展的现实需求,有助于协调国家公园保护和发展的二元矛盾,有助于满足人民群众美好生活的需要,既是践行“两山理论”的客观要求,也是实现“乡村振兴”的重要手段;第三,国家公园适度发展旅游是国际通行的做法。国家公园发展旅游应坚持可持续原则,并提出了具体的发展建议。


    Abstract: Making necessary and reasonable use while conducting strict protection is one of the biggest features differentiating national parks from nature reserves. Developing tourism appropriately is one of the leading ways to reasonably use natural resources in national parks. However, tourism has been viewed in China as fierce as flood and savage beast threatening the protection of nature. Whether it is able to and how to develop tourism in national parks of China is a huge challenge confronting Chinese national park authorities. In this paper, the author argues the necessity and significance of appropriate tourism development for national parks. First of all, developing tourism appropriately is the internal demand of national parks management, since it can help to fulfill the overall functions of national parks, including education, recreation as well as protection. Secondly, appropriate tourism development in national parks can meet the strategic need of national economic and social development in China. It can play important roles in harmonizing the contradiction between development and protection, and meeting the needs of Chinese people for good life. It is the realistic requirement to practice "Two Mountains Theory" and also an important measure to realize the strategy of "Rural Revitalization". Thirdly, appropriately developing tourism is the prevailing way to rationally use national parks around the world, and it is also proved to be the key to achieve the success of national parks management. In the end, the author makes some proposals in terms of how to promote the sustainable future development of tourism in the newly-established national parks.


