

Distribution Changes of a Rare Tree Species, Mesua ferrea, in Guangdong in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  • 摘要: 铁力木为热带季雨林特有珍稀树种,材质优良,历来被视为重要的林木资源,尤因“坚硬”而被大量运用于“广船”的制造。历史上,广东铁力木地理分布广泛,以广东西部山区最为集中;粤北及珠江三角洲一带也有铁力木分布;粤东大约在东经115°以东则基本无铁力木分布。但自16世纪中叶以来,广东铁力木在数量和木材品级上均呈逐步下降趋势。由于造船、建筑、家具制作、皇木采办等社会需求引发的原木砍伐,导致优质活态铁力木资源急剧减少。18世纪以后大规模山地开发导致的生境破坏、宜林地消失则是广东铁力木告罄的根本原因。


    Abstract: Mesua ferrea , one of the rare tree species unique to tropical rain forests, has always been regarded as an important forest resource because of its excellent material. It has been widely used in the manufacture of "Guangdong ships" because of its "hard" texture. Historically, M. ferrea was widely distributed in Guangdong, especially in the western mountainous area of Guangdong Province. It is also found in northern Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta. But in eastern Guangdong, there are almost no M. ferrea distributed around the east of longitude 115°. Since the middle of the 16th century, the quantity and grade of M. ferrea in Guangdong have been gradually declining. Due to the logging caused by the social demand such as shipbuilding, construction, furniture making and imperial wood purchasing, the high quality resources of live M. ferrea have been sharply reduced. After the 18th century, the destruction of habitat and the disappearance of suitable forest land caused by large-scale mountain development are the fundamental reasons for the depletion of M. ferrea in Guangdong area.


