

Engels's Idea and Ecological Significance of "Learning to Estimate the Natural Effects of Production Behavior"

  • 摘要: 恩格斯的《自然辩证法》一书蕴含着丰富的生态思想,其中“学会估计生产行为的自然影响”的思想就是重要的内容。以往我们对生产行为的社会影响阐述很多,对生产行为的自然影响问题研究不够,而现实中的生态环境问题,往往就是人们忽视生产行为的自然影响的结果。所以,挖掘恩格斯“学会估计生产行为的自然影响”的思想,就是我们新的研究问题域。恩格斯批判了人们在生产中急功近利的短视行为,提示人们学会认识、估计、控制生产行为引发的自然影响。同时,恩格斯从资本主义生产方式、资本家贪婪本性等视角,分析了人们忽视生产行为的自然影响的原因。恩格斯的自然辩证法思想中还包含有生态辩证法的理论内核,值得我们高度重视。恩格斯“学会估计生产行为的自然影响”的思想,在人类生态思想史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,为今天的生态文明建设提供了重要的理论支撑和实践遵循。


    Abstract: Engels's Dialectics of Nature contains a wealth of ecological ideas, of which the idea of "learning to estimate the natural influence of production behavior" is an important content. In the past, we expounded a lot on the social impact of production behavior, and the natural impact of production behavior was not studied enough, and the ecological and environmental problems in reality were often the result of people ignoring the natural influence of production behavior. Therefore, the excavation of Engels's idea of "learning to estimate the natural effects of production behavior" is our new research domain. Engels criticized the short-sighted behavior of people in production, prompting people to learn to recognize, estimate, and control the natural effects of production behavior. At the same time, Engels analyzed the reasons why people ignore the natural influence of production behavior from the perspective of capitalist mode of production and the greedy nature of capitalists. Engels's idea of natural dialectics also contains the theoretical core of ecological dialectics, which deserves our great attention. Engels's idea of "learning to estimate the natural influence of production behavior" has left a strong mark in the history of human ecological thought, providing important theoretical support and practical compliance for today's ecological civilization construction.


