

Biodiversity Conservation Requires the Cooperation Between Natural Science and Humanities

  • 摘要: 缺乏人文维度的生物多样性保护是不完整、不充分的行动,带有唯科学主义的优点和缺点。唯科学主义不是科学,而是一种过于乐观的信念,它自负且具有改造世界的冲动。建立简化的科学模型,可以得出漂亮的研究结果,但模型可能不反映生态系统的本来面貌。生态学和生物多样性保护涉及复杂系统的多种变量和长远预测问题,仅靠自然科学不充分,科技主管部门需要邀请人文学者参与生物多样性保护的政策制定及实践操作。2022年初“迁地保护”突然成了中国科学界的热词,原有的一些数据也都贴上了这一新标签。但生物多样性保护宜以在地保护为主,迁地保护为辅。相关部门提出的将85%的本土物种进行迁地保护,缺乏足够的依据。


    Abstract: Abstract : Biodiversity conservation lacking of humanistic dimension is incomplete and inadequate action, with all the advantages and disadvantages of scientism. Scientism is not a science, but an over-optimistic belief, which is conceited and has an impulse to change the world. Designing oversimplified scientific models does yield clean and efficient results, but they may not reflect the original look of ecosystem. Ecology and biodiversity conservation involve multi-variables and long-term prediction of complex systems, and natural science alone is insufficient, so science and technology policy authorities need to invite humanities scholars to participate in studying and evaluating. In early 2022, ex-situ conservation suddenly became a hot phrase in Chinese scientific community, and some of the original data of species were re-labeled as this new term. However, biodiversity protection should be mainly based on in-situ conservation, with ex-situ conservation as supplementary approach. To protect 85% of the native species of China by ex-situ conservation seems to be lack of sufficient basis.


