

Research on the Industrial Development Strategy of Forest Therapy in Beijing

  • 摘要: 森林康养作为林业与健康养生融合发展的新业态,在践行健康中国战略和“两山”理念等方面将发挥至关重要的作用。北京市拥有良好的地理位置和丰富的自然和人文资源,发展森林康养产业有一定的优势,但北京市森林康养产业发展仍处于初期阶段,存在设施建设不完善、产品同质化严重和专业人才匮乏等问题。综合梳理北京市森林康养产业发展历程,并利用SWOT分析法对北京市森林康养产业发展现状进行分析,针对发展过程中存在的问题提出相关策略,以期促进北京市森林康养产业进一步发展。


    Abstract: Forest therapy, as a new industry that integrates forestry and health and wellness, will play a vital role in the implementation of "Healthy China" and "Two Mountain Theory". Beijing has a good geographical location and rich natural and human resources, and has certain advantages in developing forest therapy industry, but its forest therapy development is still in the early stage, and there still exist problems such as imperfect construction of facilities, serious homogenization of products and lack of professional talents. In this paper, we analyze the development history of forest therapy in Beijing, analyze the current situation of forest therapy in Beijing by using SWOT analysis, and propose relevant strategies for the problems in the development process in order to promote the further development of forest therapy industry in Beijing.


