

The Influence of Environmental Elements in Urban Parks on Residents' Mental Health

  • 摘要: 为探讨城市公园中自然要素、感知要素、休息要素和活动要素对居民正向情绪、认知功能及心理症状和负向情绪三个心理健康维度的影响,以及自然联结在其中的作用,调查了911名北京市居民,并构建了结构方程模型。分析结果表明,城市公园的感知要素可以直接促进居民的正向情绪和认知功能,也可以通过自然联结间接促进居民的正向情绪和认知功能,并缓解居民的心理症状和负向情绪。另外,城市公园的活动要素可以直接促进居民的正向情绪,缓解居民的心理症状和负向情绪。然而,自然要素和休息要素对居民心理健康各维度的预测作用不显著。因此,应注重增加城市公园中的感知要素和活动要素,以及增强人与自然的互动,提高居民与自然的联结。


    Abstract: To investigate the influence of the natural, perceptual, rest, and activity elements in urban parks on residents' three mental health dimensions (i.e., positive emotions, cognitive function, and psychological symptoms and negative emotions), and the role of nature connectedness in this context, the current study surveyed 911 Beijing residents and constructed a structural equation model. The results showed that the perceptual elements in urban parks could directly promote residents' positive emotions and cognitive function, and could also indirectly promote residents' positive emotions and cognitive function and alleviate psychological symptoms and negative emotions through nature connectedness. In addition, the activity elements in urban parks could directly promote residents' positive emotions as well as alleviate psychological symptoms and negative emotions. However, the natural and rest elements were not significant predictors for all the dimensions of residents' mental health. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on increasing the perceptual and activity elements in urban parks, as well as on enhancing human-nature interaction to improve the nature connectedness of residents.


