The research boundaries between green technology economy and forestry economy are blurring as the integration and development of the two researches, especially in some fields such as biological energy, environmental protection, and social economy. However, this integration makes it difficult for scholars to accurately judge the independence and interrelationship of these two fields. In order to explore the evolution and integration of the two fields,
12710 literatures in the field of green technology economy and
22990 literatures in the field of forestry economy were selected based on Web of Science core collection database for analysis. CiteSpace software was used to analyze the knowledge map of green technology economy and forestry economy, and Pajek software was used to analyze the main path of these two fields and their integration. The results show that the research findings of the green technology economy and the forestry economy fields are growing every year; the two fields have gone through embryonic, exploratory and development stages; the integration of the two fields displays can be reflected from three aspects, i.e. carbon storage and biomass energy, forest-based biological economy, and recycling economy in forestry production.