

The Planning and Abortion of National Parks during the Period of the Republic of China

  • 摘要: 国家公园起源于19世纪后期的美国,随后被世界多国效仿。20世纪初,“国家公园”的理念传入中国,引发了时人较为广泛的关注。南京国民政府成立后,遂开启国家公园的筹设。1929年,造园学家陈植订立了《太湖国立公园计划书》,推动“国家公园”在近代中国从感性认知转化为学理性概念。1936年,庐山牯岭英国租借地被收回后,庐山管理局计划将之建设为国家公园。民国时期的“国家公园”凝聚着塑造现代国民、推动市政建设、驱动国家经济的价值引导,又夹杂着浓烈的民族主义情绪、初生的生态环保意识。然而受时局所限,相关事业最终流产。作为理解近代中国转型的一扇窗口,国家公园可以折射出当时中国政治、经济、社会、生态、审美等复杂多元的方面。通过探讨民国时期国家公园的理念传入、筹设过程和实践成果,可为当今国家公园的建设提供启示。


    Abstract: The origin of the National Park can be traced back to the late 19th century in the United States, a concept that was subsequently emulated by numerous countries worldwide. At the dawn of the 20th century, the idea of the "National Park" was introduced to China, attracting considerable attention from the contemporaries. After the founding of the Nanjing Nationalist Government, initiatives and practical steps were taken concerning the establishment of national parks. In 1929, park designer Chen Zhi drafted the "Taihu National Park Proposal", advocating the transformation of the "National Park" concept in modern China from a visceral understanding to an academic notion. By 1936, after the return of the British-leased area of Guling in Lushan to Chinese sovereignty, the Lushan Management Bureau planned to develop it into a national park. However, due to the prevailing situation, these aspirations ultimately went unrealized. As a lens through which to understand China's modern transformation, national parks can reflect various multifaceted dimensions, including economic, ecological, political, social, and aesthetic aspects. Exploring the introduction, planning, and practical outcomes of the national park concept during the period of the Republic of China, and this paper can provide insights into the construction of contemporary national parks.


