

The Concept of Representativeness and Research Progress in the Field of Biodiversity Conservation Research

  • 摘要: 生物多样性保护的代表性水平是自然保护地选址和管理的重要依据。然而,代表性概念的定义、评估方法及研究进展缺乏系统性梳理。本研究综述了生物多样性保护研究领域的代表性概念及其研究进展,指出代表性概念在已有研究中包括定性与定量两个维度的含义。定性层面是指在自然保护地内的保护对象兼具典型性、独特性与综合性特征,且在该范围内能够保障和支持保护对象持续存在并发挥其生态功能;定量层面是指代表性所达到的水平。已有研究中,代表性水平大多通过保护对象的类型数量体现,较少考虑维持保护对象长期存在所需的自然过程、功能或结构是否充分。建议未来开展研究与实践应首先明确概念内涵,并构建对应的评估标准与框架。


    Abstract: Representativeness of biodiversity conservation is an important basis for the site selection and management of protected areas. However, there lacks a systematic review of the definition, methods, and research progress related to the concept of representativeness. This study provides an overview of the concept of representativeness and its research progress while proposing definitions of representation and representativeness that are used to describe the state of being representative. Representation, which qualitatively refers to the characteristic of protected objects within protected areas, encompassing typicalness, distinctiveness, and comprehensiveness, and the extent of the protected area should be sufficient to guarantee and support the sustained existence and ecological functionality of these protected objects. Representativeness, which quantitatively refers to the extent of protected areas considering typicalness, distinctiveness, and comprehensiveness of protected objects and ensuring the site is adequate to support the sustained existence and ecological functionality of these protected objects. However, existing research has primarily focused on the quantities of protected objects while paying less attention to whether the necessary natural processes, functions, or structures required for their long-term existence are adequate. Therefore, it is recommended that future research and practical applications should first clarify the concept and establish corresponding assessment standards and frameworks.


