

The Cultural Mission of China's National Parks

  • 摘要: 建立国家公园体制是我国生态文明建设的重大制度创新。中国国家公园诞生于生态文明新时代,依托于古老而深厚的历史文化积淀、丰富的自然资源、人口众多的特殊国情以及独特的制度框架。在实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史征程中,中国国家公园承担着传承中华优秀传统生态文化“天人合一”思想、增强生态文明建设的文化自信、筑牢中华民族生态命运共同体意识的文化使命。基于上述研究,提出践行中国国家公园文化使命的现实路径:丰富国家公园建设理念,高质量建设国家公园;注重国家公园文化的挖掘和保护;加强国家公园科普宣教,提升全民生态命运共同体意识;拓展对外交流,为全球生态文明建设提供模式借鉴。


    Abstract: Establishing a national park system is a major institutional innovation in China's ecological civilization construction. China's national parks were born in the new era of ecological civilization, relying on the ancient and profound historical and cultural accumulation, rich natural resources, the special national condition of large population, and unique institutional framework. In the historical journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, China's national parks bear the cultural mission of inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese ecological culture of "harmony between man and nature", enhancing cultural confidence ecological civilization construction, and strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national ecological community with a shared future. This paper proposes practical paths to fulfilling the cultural mission of China's national parks: enriching national park construction concept, and constructing national parks in high quality; paying attention to the excavation and protection of national park culture; strengthening the popularization of science and education in national parks, and enhancing the awareness of the national ecological community with a shared future; expanding foreign exchanges, and providing models for global ecological civilization construction.


