

Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature: From the Perspective of Marx and Engels' Capitalist Ecological Criticism

  • 摘要: 实现现代化是世界各国的建设目标和必然选择,需要找到适合本国国情的现代化发展模式。通过对18—19世纪西方现代化的现象批判和本质批判,马克思恩格斯认为以资本增殖为目标的资本主义生产方式和价值观本质上是反生态的。从文化传统、历史背景和基本国情出发,借鉴发达国家和发展中国家现代化发展的经验教训,中国将促进人与自然和谐共生作为中国式现代化的重要特征和本质要求。马克思恩格斯的资本主义生态批判与中国式现代化理论在发展观、生态观和群众观等方面具有一致性,可以为建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化提供理论支撑。马克思恩格斯关于共产主义社会工业生产的构想、辩证唯物主义自然观和实现人的全面发展思想,对人与自然和谐共生的现代化具有重要启发。


    Abstract: Modernization is the main objective and inevitable choice for all the countries around the world. Each country need to find his own modernization pattern which is suitable for his national conditions and cultural backgrounds. Marx and Engels criticized the phenomenon and essence of western modernization from the 18th to 19th centuries, believing that the capitalist production mode and values for capital growth are essentially anti-ecological. Given the fact that China has special cultural tradition, special historical background and basic national conditions, Chinese modernization is different with western modernization. On the basis of learning from the experience and lessons of developed and developing countries in the process of modernization, the promotion of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is regarded as an important feature and essential requirement of Chinese modernization. Marx and Engels' capitalist ecological criticism and Chinese modernization theory are consistent in the view of development, nature and mass, which can provide theoretical support for the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Marx and Engels' thought of industrial production in communist society, dialectical materialism's view of nature, and the thought of all-round development of human beings have important implications for the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.


