

Deforesting and Mining: Another View on Crisis of Environment in Huizhou during Ming and Qing Dynasties

  • 摘要: 明清时期,徽州地区盗砍林木、挖掘椿桩、纵火焚山等毁林现象时有发生,破坏了林木资源的蓄养。部分地区采石、烧石灰、挖煤的规模也不断扩大,对境内山体损毁较为严重。同时,当地居民也效仿棚民垦山,种植经济作物,采矿挖煤,加速了对植被的破坏,引起水土流失、土壤退化、良田无法复垦等环境问题。学界普遍认为乾隆时期徽州外来棚民的垦山活动是造成当地环境危机的主要原因。但事实并非如此,早在棚民到来之前,徽州地区的环境已有破坏的迹象,清代棚民的大量涌入加速了这一过程。事实上,徽州本土居民的毁林、开矿,以及效仿棚民的垦山活动也是导致徽州地区环境恶化不可忽视的因素。


    Abstract: Deforestation became serious during Ming and Qing dynasties. Especially since Mid-Ming Dynasty, the activities that shed people grew industrial crops by opening up mountains had been imitated by the native, which destroyed the vegetative cover greatly. The area of bare soil was large till later Qing Dynasty. Meanwhile, the scale of quarrying and lime-roasting became larger and larger, and the massifs were damaged seriously. All the out-of-order actions by both the native and shed people led to a series of problems such as: soil erosion, flushing fields, soil fertility decreasing, silting up irrigation works, which affected greatly agricultural production and people’s daily life.


