

The valuable experience of ecological civilization construction under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party since its 18th National Congress

  • 摘要: 深刻总结十八大以来党领导生态文明建设的宝贵经验,对全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程上推进人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化具有极其重要的现实启示。新时代,中国共产党带领人民以前所未有的决心和力度推进生态文明建设,在取得显著成效的同时也积累了宝贵经验:坚持党的领导与人民生态权益的契合呼应,坚持思想引导与制度约束的同向发力,坚持整体推进与重点突破的相辅相成,坚持顶层设计与基层探索的良性互动,坚持中华优秀传统文化与人类文明成果的融合创新,坚持国内治理与国际援助的共建共享。


    Abstract: A profound summary of the valuable experience of ecological civilization construction under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party since the 18th National Congress of the CPC has extremely important practical enlightenment for promoting the Chinese-style modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects. In the new era, the Communist Party of China has led the people in promoting ecological progress with unprecedented determination and strength. While achieving remarkable results, we have also accumulated valuable experience: Adhere to the Party's leadership and the people's ecological rights and interests, adhere to the ideological guidance and institutional constraints of the same force, adhere to the overall promotion and key breakthroughs mutually reinforcing, adhere to the top-level design and grassroots exploration of positive interaction, adhere to the integration of traditional Chinese culture and human civilization achievements of innovation, adhere to domestic governance and international assistance to build and share.


