

Department of Business (Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce) and Revitalization of Forestry in Late Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 清末商部(农工商部)成立后,大力提倡振兴林业,制定和采取了一系列改良和发展林业的措施和办法。这是在清末封建统治难以继续下去的背景下,为挽救林业的困境和危机、抵制利权外溢、改善生态环境,由社会舆论倡导,清末新政推动等诸种因素共同影响的结果。而在商部(农工商部)主持下,清末林业的振兴成效可观,主要表现为:不少地区造林有了较大成效,出现了新的林业经营方式,林业科技教育也有了一定进步。


    Abstract: In late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rule was difficult to maintain. Promoted by New Deal of the government, the Department of Business (Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce) was established to rescue the deterioration of forestry, protect the economic rights and improve the ecological environment in this period. Subsequently, countermeasures and methods were adopted to improve and develop forestry. With the management of the Department of Business, forestry revitalization had effectively achieved, such as afforestation in some regions was remarkable, new modes of forestry operation appeared, forestry science and education also made progress.


