
花 语 综 议

Flower Language

  • 摘要: 花语是指植物器官、植物种类,以及植物环境等所表征的语汇信息和象征意义。花语内容的由来集中表现为7种途径:由自外貌特征,由自习性特点,由自某种功用,由自名称谐音,由自神话传说,由自相关事件和由自民风民俗。花语的特点主要体现在5个方面:丰富性与多样性、广泛性与具体性、普遍性与差异性、多义性与同义性,以及时代性与发展性。而花语的价值则直接或间接地反映在社会价值、审美价值、经济价值、人文价值和学术价值5个方面。花语在我们的生产生活中有着重要的意义和作用。


    Abstract: Flower language is words or the meaning expressed by organs and species of plant, and plant environment. There are seven origin ways of flower language, which are appearance, habits and characteristics, functions, name, mythology and legend, special events, and customs. The characteristics of flower language are mainly embodied in five aspects: richness and diversity, extensiveness and concreteness, universality and difference, polysemy and synonyms, timeliness and development. The value of flower language is directly or indirectly reflected in five aspects, i.e. social value, aesthetic value, economic value, cultural value and academic value. Flower language is of great significance in production and life.


