

Integration of Couplet and Landscape Architecture in China

  • 摘要: 论述了楹联融入到我国风景园林中的原因,以及楹联在风景园林中的表现手法和产生的作用,认为楹联的形式美感和表情达意功能契合了风景园林对景观和思想境界的追求,是楹联得以融入风景园林的根本原因,而文人士大夫和封建帝王对楹联的倡导则起了很大的促进作用。楹联通过借景抒情、寓情于景等表现手法揭示和深化了园林景观的人文意蕴。


    Abstract: This paper illustrates the reasons that couplets integrated into landscape architecture, introduces expression methods and roles of couplets in landscape architecture. The aesthetic perception and expression function of couplets are basic reasons that couplets integrate into landscape architecture, and are accordant with the pursuit of landscape architecture to landscape and ideological level. Emperors and literati promoted the progress that couplets integrate into landscape architecture. Human implication of landscape architecture is revealed and deepened by couplets through methods of taking advantage of a scene to express emotion and describing a scene with sentiment that one himself feels and understands it.


