

Sustainable Development and Related Economic Subjects:from Systematic Perspective

  • 摘要: 可持续发展是生态经济社会系统协调高效发展的一种状态,它包括生态可持续、经济发展与社会公正等内涵。但因其概念起源于20世纪50年代后的西方环境保护运动,在该领域研究中生态、环境等自然科学一直占据主导地位。在经济学日渐交叉细化的发展体系中,福利经济学对资源配置最优与社会总福利最大的观点,资源与环境经济学面对资源耗竭与环境退化的现实力图将之纳入传统经济核算,以及生态经济学强调人类社会经济系统具有终极规模和尺度的观点,与可持续发展研究的内在要求也具有较强的理论一致性。但面对现实的复杂性和可持续发展概念内涵的丰富性,以上学科研究同时也尚存较多局限。展望未来,对可持续发展的研究应以系统观为基础、针对关键领域和重大科学问题进行多学科综合集成。


    Abstract: Sustainable development, including ecology sustainable, economic development, social justice and so on, is an ideal state of harmonious development of ecology, economy and society. The leading position in sustainable development research has been occupied by natural sciences, for example, ecology and environment because of the concept was originated from the western environmental movement after 1950s. In the gradually cross, classified and detailed economic system, some economic theories about resources are in agreement with inner requirement of the sustainable development. These theories include Pareto Optimization and social welfare maximum in welfare economics, accounting exhausting natural resources and degenerating environment in resource and environmental economics, and opinion of social-economic system has a development limit in ecological economics. Facing the complicated reality and rich content of sustainable development, these theories still have disadvantages. In the future, research on sustainable development should be conducted base on systematic perspective, and integrate relative subjects aiming at key fields and important science problems.


