

Empirical Study on Influence Factors of Farmers’ Forest Insurance Demand: Based on Investigation of 156 Farmers in Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 森林保险是深化集体林权制度配套改革的重要内容,研究影响农户森林保险的需求因素有助于森林保险的良性发展和政策目标的实现。利用2009年对浙江省农户的调查数据,运用Logistic模型对影响农户森林保险需求的因素进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,农户家庭劳动力人数、年人均收入、是否有未偿还贷款、最严重的一次灾害损失占当年家庭收入的比重、林种以及对森林保险的了解程度等因素对农户森林保险需求有显著影响。


    Abstract: Forest insurance is an important content of deepening the supporting reform of collective forest right system. Researching the factors that affect farmers’ demand of forest insurance will contribute to the sound development of forest insurance and policy goals. Regarding farmers in Zhejiang province as research object, this paper uses Logistic econometric model to analyze the factors that affecting farmers’ forest insurance demand. Results show that the significant factors affecting farmers’ demand of forest insurance include number of family labor, annual per capita income, whether there is outstanding loan, proportion of the worst disaster damage in the whole family income of the year, forest species as well as knowledge of forest insurance.


