

Positive Factors of Female Teachers in Teaching and Scientific Research

  • 摘要: 在北京林业大学资助下,采用问卷调查、相关分析和聚类分析等研究方法,对影响高校女教师教学科研积极性因素进行了研究。涉及女教师的基本情况、思想、文化生活、教学及科研等方面,就女教师教学工作量与职业压力、科研困难与科研压力、事业成功的障碍等内容进行分析,并提出了提高女教师教学、科研积极性的相应对策。


    Abstract: Supported by Beijing Forestry University, this paper intends to research the positive factors affecting female teachers in teaching and scientific research using methods of questionnaire survey, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Female teachers basic situation, ideas, cultural life, teaching and scientific research are related in the study. The authors analyze their amount of work, occupational stress, difficulties and pressures of scientific research, and obstacles to success. Countermeasures are put forward to promote female teachers positivity in teaching and scientific research.


