

Classification and Comparative Analysis of Products of Forest Culture

  • 摘要: 森林文化产品不仅是自然的创作,也是人类对森林资源认识和利用的必然产物和智慧结晶。其分类依路径不同有所区别,一般依抽象程度深浅分为森林理论、森林文艺、森林工艺、森林博物馆、森林旅游、自然保护区等6类不同形态的文化产品。森林文化产品与其他文化产品相比,既有共同点,又有其自身的特点,它们相互协同,共同构建社会主义先进文化,为人们提供绿色、理性、健康的文化项目和服务。


    Abstract: The products of forest culture are not only the creation of nature, but also the inevitable outcome and wisdom crystallization of forest resources recognition and utilization. They can be divided into forest theory, forest literature, forest technology, forest museum, forest tourism and nature reserve according to the abstract degree of these products. Compared with other cultural products, the products of forest culture have their own characteristics, and they construct the advanced culture of socialism together with other cultural products, and supply people with green, rational and healthy cultural service.


