

Traditional Flower Arrangement and Calligraphy in China

  • 摘要: 古典插花是我国传统文化的代表之一,书法是我国的“国粹”。古典插花与书法有许多相契相合之处,如二者均属于艺术的范畴,历史悠久,且蕴含深刻的哲学和美学原理;都讲究技法的表现和空间结构,同时注重意境的表达和创造等。古典插花与书法又属于两种不同类型的艺术创作,各自展现着独特的魅力和个性。


    Abstract: Traditional flower arrangement is a kind of representation of Chinese traditional culture. Calligraphy is also a quintessence of Chinese culture. There are many commons between traditional flower arrangement and calligraphy. They both belong to art with a long history, contain deep theories of philosophy and aesthetics, and pay more attention to technique and space structure, stress on expression and creation of artistic conception. But they are two different kinds of artistic creativities. They reflect unique cultural charm respectively.


