

Effect of Government’s Climate Policy on International Trade

  • 摘要: 随着气候问题成为国际社会最为关注的话题之一,气候变化、国际贸易以及政府气候政策之间的关系也引起了人们的思考。在阐述国际贸易与气候变化之间相互关系的基础上,文章论述了多边贸易体制与气候变化政策潜在的一致性与冲突性,并介绍了各国政府所采取的气候变化政策类型及其对国际贸易的影响,最后提出了我国政府应对气候变化、促进贸易发展的立场与措施。


    Abstract: With climate change becoming one of the most concerned topics, the relationship of climate change, international trade and government’s climate policy arouses extensive attention of international society. Based on analysis of relationship between international trade and climate change, this paper discusses the potential coordination and conflict between the multilateral trading system and the climate policy, introduces the types of climate policies adopted by different governments and their influences on international trade. Finally, the authors put forward countermeasures for Chinese government to cope with climate change and to promote international trade.


