

Transfer of Collective Forestland Usufruct from the Household’s Perspective:Taking Households Survey in Tonggu and Jing’an Counties of Jiangxi Province as Examples

  • 摘要: 农户是林地使用权流转的重要主体。基于农户视角,运用江西铜鼓县和靖安县77户农户调查数据,客观分析了农户对林地使用权流转的认知、判断、意愿及行为状态。研究结果表明:农户普遍认知并满意现行的林地使用权流转政策;农户对林地使用权流转的判断和行为选择日趋现实和理性;农户的态度和行为选择上既存在一致性,也存在异质性。提出了加强政策宣传、稳定流转政策、加强流转立法、完善流转市场及相关机制等建议。


    Abstract: Households are the principal part of collective forestland usufruct transfer. Based on a survey of 77 households in Tonggu and Jing’an counties of Jiangxi province, the households’ cognition, judgment, intention and behavior of transfer are objectively analyzed from the microcosmic view of households in this paper. Results show that the transfer policies are universally cognized and satisfied by the households, more and more realistic and rational judgments and behavior choices are made by them, the consistencies and differences between the households’ attitude and behavior are both existed. Following suggestions are proposed, such as intensifying policy propaganda, stabilizing the transfer policy, strengthening transfer legislation, and making perfect circulation market and correlative mechanism, etc.


