

Classification Management Pattern of Nature Reserves and Its Effectiveness

  • 摘要: 分级管理是我国自然保护区管理体制的主要特征之一,但明确规定的国家级、地方级自然保护区还只是一种审批层级和保护价值的体现。按自然保护区管理机构的从属关系可以将自然保护区大致分为9种分级管理模式。每种管理模式因占有不同的行政、人事、财务和执法资源,在管理基础和管理协调能力上差异较大。在管理模式分析的基础上,选取13类因素38个指标对林业系统国家级自然保护区进行有效管理评价。经比较研究,显现我国国家级自然保护区的管理有效性整体良好,但自然保护区有效性与管理机构的层级呈正比,省级管理的保护区要普遍好于地市级、县级管理的自然保护区,各级政府直接管理的自然保护区管理有效性要好于同级主管部门管理的自然保护区。


    Abstract: Classification management is one of the main characteristics of nature reserves management system in China. But state nature reserves and local administration nature reserves under the regulations are only the approval system and embody the concept of protection. Management pattern of nature reserves can be divided into nine types. There are big differences in the nine patterns in management foundation and coordination ability of management because different management pattern occupies different resources of administration, personnel, financial and law enforcement. By analyzing management pattern, this paper selects thirtyeight indexes in thirteen categories to evaluate the management effectiveness of national nature reserves subordinate to the State Forestry Administration (SFA). Results show that the management effectiveness of national nature reserves is good as a whole, and the management effectiveness is direct proportional to administration level. Provincial administration has the higher efficiency than municipal and county administration. Direct administration by governments at all levels has the higher efficiency than departments’ administration at the same level.


