

Forest Cultural Features of Laojun Mountain National Park and Its Tourism Development Approaches in Lijiang City,Yunnan Province

  • 摘要: 国家公园建设的目的是探索一条保护与发展的良性互动之路。丽江老君山国家公园是“三江并流”世界自然遗产地的核心区域之一,自然与人文景观资源极其丰富。在分析当地少数民族传统森林文化及对生态旅游的积极影响的基础上,指出要突出森林文化的主体地位,把生态旅游产品的开发融入到当地的森林文化特色之中。通过开发森林游憩区,举办森林文化节、高山花卉摄影展、绿色食品博览会、野生动植物保护成果展、绿色夏令营、生物多样性保护环境教育基地等具有地方特色的活动,在丽江老君山国家公园构建一个具有地域特色的生态旅游产品体系。


    Abstract: The purpose of constructing national parks is to explore a route of harmonious interaction between protection and development. Laojun Mountain National Park in Lijiang city, Yunnan Province is one of the core regions of the world natural heritage in threeriver parallel flow area, where extremely rich natural exists and cultural landscape resources. By analyzing local traditional forest culture of minorities and the active influence on ecotourism, this paper points out that the core position of forest culture should be stressed and the development of ecotourism products should be blended into the characteristic of local forest culture. An ecotourism products system with regional characteristics can be established in Laojun Mountain National Park through developing recreation areas, holding activities with local characteristics such as forest culture festival, photography exhibition of mountain flowers, green food fair, and exhibition of the result of protecting wild animals and plants, green summer camps and the education base of biological diversity.


