
南宋临安皇家园林中的“ 西湖冷泉”写仿现象探析

Scene Imitation of Cold Spring in Hangzhou Westlake in Imperial Gardens of Southern Song Dynasty

  • 摘要: 杭州西湖湖山风景是南宋时期临安皇家造园活动的重要源泉,其中的“西湖冷泉冶是南宋皇家园林写仿西湖的重要组成部分。在文献考证、图像分析和实地调研的基础上,对南宋临安皇家园林中的西湖冷泉写仿现象的动因、效果及意义进行研究,并探讨其对南宋文化遗产的重要价值与意义。


    Abstract: Fascinating scenery of Hangzhou Westlake, Zhejiang Province was a key inspiration source of royal garden design in the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279). Cold Spring played a significant role in scene imitation of Westlake. Based on textual study, image analysis and investigation of the gardens and relics, this paper researches the causes, effects and significance of scene imitation of Cold Spring, discusses its important cultural value and meaning to the cultural heritage of the Southern Song Dynasty.


