
构建功能、文化与自然相契合的墓园 ———以北京市八宝山革命公墓玉岑园规划设计项目为例


李程成. 构建功能、文化与自然相契合的墓园 ———以北京市八宝山革命公墓玉岑园规划设计项目为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 12(2): 19-24.
引用本文: 李程成. 构建功能、文化与自然相契合的墓园 ———以北京市八宝山革命公墓玉岑园规划设计项目为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 12(2): 19-24.
LI Cheng-cheng. Cemetery Integrating with Function, Culture and Nature: A Case Study of Yucen Garden at Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2013, 12(2): 19-24.
Citation: LI Cheng-cheng. Cemetery Integrating with Function, Culture and Nature: A Case Study of Yucen Garden at Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2013, 12(2): 19-24.

构建功能、文化与自然相契合的墓园 ———以北京市八宝山革命公墓玉岑园规划设计项目为例

Cemetery Integrating with Function, Culture and Nature: A Case Study of Yucen Garden at Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

  • 摘要: 玉岑园位于八宝山革命公墓后山西部,葬式为骨灰廊,是一个将功能、文化与自然相统一的、具有社会主义内容和民族形式的中国传统墓园。玉岑园的设计以墓地与园林的关系为基础,从使用及造景两方面运用中国传统园林“理志造园冶的理法,并运用中国传统园林的造景理法来进行墓地的集约化设计,实现在有限地块范围内安置骨灰格位数量的最大值,通过对传统理法的研习进而借古开今。
    Abstract: Yucen Garden, whose burial form is ashes gallery, is located at western part of the mountain border in Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. It is a traditional Chinese cemetery with socialist content and national form, and integrating with function, culture and nature. The design of Yucen Garden is on the basis of the relationship between cemetery and garden art, which applies the theory and method of Chinese traditional garden design to usage, aesthetics and intensive design to reach the maximum of ashes case frames, creating the artificial from nature and making the artificial true to nature. To fulfill this purpose, we can borrow the artistic power of Chinese literature.
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  • 发布日期:  2013-06-29



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