科学评价城市森林的生态效益是有效管理城市森林的重要基础。以全国城市林业主管部门为调查对象,采用邮寄调查问卷的形式,就全国95 个城市的城市森林覆盖率、最为关注的城市森林生态效益评价指标,以及生态效益评价工作的开展情况等方面的信息进行了收集、整理与分析。并在此基础上结合其他统计数据,讨论了影响城市森林生态效益评价工作开展的因素。结果显示:我国城市森林生态效益评价工作尚处于起步摸索阶段。优越的地理气候条件、充裕的自然旅游资源和政府参与荣誉评选对城市森林生态效益评价工作的开展具有较显著的影响,而城市的社会经济状况对开展评价工作的影响不显著。同时,城市林业主管部门与科研人员对城市森林生态效益的关注点存在高度一致性。最后,针对此次调查发现的问题,提出了增强城市森林生态效益评价工作的建议。
Scientific evaluation on ecological benefit of urban forest is the foundation of effective management of urban forest. This paper chooses urban forest management agencies as respondents, and uses the method of mailed-in questionnaires. The investigation includes urban forest coverage rate, most- concerned indexes of ecological benefits of urban forest, and progress of ecological benefits evaluation. Feedbacks from 95 cities are analyzed together with other collected statistical data to identify main factors that affecting the implementation of evaluation. The results show that evaluations on ecological benefits of urban forest in China are still at a beginning stage. The indexes including good climatic and geographical conditions, abundant natural tourism resources, and government participation in the election of environmental rewards have significant influences on the evaluation. While the socio-economic condition has less effects. Meanwhile, there is a high consistency on the concern of ecological benefits of urban forest between urban forestry administrative authorities and researchers. Recommendations are given to deal with the identified problems, and to improve the assessment of ecological benefits of urban forest.